Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ladies Cook-Off Prep

It's the day after Hump Day! That means it's ALMOST the weekend!!!! :)

On Saturday I will be participating in the Ladies Cook-Off at our church. I'm excited! It's going to be so much fun. Reason one being that I love to cook and reason two is that I will get the chance to meet many lovely ladies! We are still brand spankin' new to the church and this cook-off will allow me to mingle. Yea, so....ummm. Ignore the crossed out text above. Not sure if "spankin" should ever be used in the same sentence as "church"! LOL I can have a strange/crude sense of humor at times; please excuse me while I laugh at myself (HAHAHAHAH). I'm done. For now.

Now to more wholesome topics like-cooking.

Here's what I plan to make for the Ladies Cook-Off.

Layered Casserole with Beef,Cabbage and Potato
Recipe can be found here:

Looks good doesn't it! I adore ANY RECIPE from Lidia Matticchio Bastianich.

As I write this post, the dish is cooking away in the oven (test run). The house is filled with the aromas of the aromatics - sage, rosemary and garlic. I can hardly wait to taste! I plan on also practicing the presentation of the dish. For the competition I will be serving tasty bites of my dish to ~100 people. I want to present similar to above, with a sprig of rosemary and a small leaf of sage. With it being such a small taste I just don't want the garnish to overpower the dish. We will see.

Can't wait for Saturday; wish me luck!

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